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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

When Life Looks Like Death and Death Gives Hope To Life - Suicide?

I will never know the full truth but I know this as my whole life truth right now... when you allow people to judge you based on your diagnosis you will never know who you truly are. When you define yourself by your diagnosis you are not living your authentic life. You are merely a puppet for the world to manipulate as they wish. You have given up your rights and thoughts as a human being. You are given medication that mutes your senses and therapy that mutes your thoughts. You are dead. You are disconnected from soul. You move around like a zombie from place to place and person to person hoping and praying that one day someone will "care about you and take care of you" because you do not know how to do this for yourself. When you are raised to be fully dependent and forced to believe you are fully disabled due to lifelong programming.. life looks like death and death looks like life. It is no wonder suicide was such an appealing "option" for my former self and others.

Suicide: A permanent solution to a temporary problem

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