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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fight Narcissism & C. Meagan Michael: Thoughts On Being Reborn In Midlife / My Life Part 2

Fight Narcissism writes: 

I think it is a great gift, really - those of us who got to be 'reborn' so to speak. Yes, it was as painful and frightening as actually being delivered originally (I suppose!) but when we dig deep inside to the meaning of it we can live truly connected lives afterward.

I will see if I can find the video I watched (or maybe it was an article) about this very act of being 'reborn' at mid-life. The description in it was so affirming and positive. Have you seen what I am talking about? I cannot remember where I ran across it.

You will write your book, I am sure of it! You have so much to say and are very eloquent. You can do it!!

#unicorntales #writerswrite ♥☻
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C. Meagan Michael writes:

Unicorns Have Long Tales.. How is that for a title?

I LOVE what you said about ..."we can live truly connected lives afterward." SO well said. Sounds like a statement directly from source energy. <3

I agree. It is surely a gift. A hec of a painful looong term gift that keeps giving long after. I mean that honestly as well as sarcastically. I hated what my life had become. I did not know how to better myself because like many of us, I compared myself to the evil that surrounded me and in my mind that made me a selfless angel.

I think it is unfair and cruel that so many people live their entire lives in a victim mentality. Always feeling better than others, always judging themselves against other, doing foolishly selfless things (not the same as wise selfless things, as I am learning) like putting ourselves in harms way for total strangers and/or people who are horrible to us and don't deserve the time of day yet for us to risk our last day or dollar on earth.

I think that was the worlds longest run on sentence. Let's just go with it...

The part that is truly a cruel trick of our own brain is that WE EXPECT that same degree of perceived loyalty, honesty, bravery, selfless foolishness etc. We are always always always disappointed and "victimized" by the same people/type of people, over and over because they DO NOT CHANGE.

For some reason we think we can change others. That our kindness will be contagious. That if we offer a pair of our rose colored glasses to other and show them how to use them, that they will lose their harsh cynical ways and learn to live a happy life.

We think all kinds of untruths. We gaslight the hell out of ourselves.

It is nothing short of a miracle that we are able to be reborn, as you say, in midlife. For many of us who were done with life as we knew it... this is the only viable alternative.

I often wish it was easier. Less exhausting. Day after day, of upheaval. Life throwing new lessons at us at the same time that we are processing and reprocessing old ones until we extract the origin. The root information. When we learn the lesson completely and move on... is there such a time? I see that the same situations are creating more and more lessons as I process them through out time.

No, I have never seen that article or blog. I got the message directly from source. #MyLifePart2

xox Love you bunches Unicorn!
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