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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Response To Fight Narcissism's Video - Toxic Shame, Pride & Narcissists

by C. Meagan Michael

I think the worst thing in these abusive relationships may be them attacking our shame. We "confess" to them and reveal our heart and mind's greatest shame(s). They have love bombed the snot out of us. We feel safe. We finally feel loved, secure and accepted. We have also externalized our self-worth. We have given it to our predator. All the while they PROUDLY keep storing all your pushable shame buttons in their cerebral hard drive ready to push them at just the right moments... your wedding, birthday, Xmas, a party, in public, when you feel really good about yourself etc. My mother used to always tell me that I could tell her anything. I bought into this for most of my life until I wised up and realized that nothing I told her benefitted me. It was juicy gossip for her to share with my toxic brother and toxic aunt. To be used against me and publically humiliate me. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. I accept that I can not change my mother or any other toxic person. I am brave enough to change myself. I know the difference. <3

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