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Friday, May 20, 2016

Why People May Reject Your Truth

by C. Meagan Michael

Recently a very aware friend of mine, Patricia J. Morton-Stephens, was troubled because she was being unfriended and blocked by some people on social media in a particular community. She is an insightful author and often shares her thoughts with the world. She requested opinions on why this is transpiring. Here is her post:

Ok, quick question. What is with this absolute angst and hatred within our own LGBTQ community? I am constantly getting blocked by our younger generations Instagrams for exposing what I feel is educating to our younger community,things that are important and valid. They get upset when you start a discussion then block you. I have not put anyone down or even cussed or been hateful in anyway. What is with the automatic defensiveness when you address issues that affect our community? Such as I was blocked for exposing sexism within an LGBTQ post.

Here is my opinion:

Many people have little to no experience being insightful or contemplating the bigger picture outside their own perceived reality. I have recently been blocked by two adults. Both in one day. One had extreme traits of NPD, immediately took a simple comment, "please do not insult my intelligence" as personal attack aka narcissistic injury. I am grateful for the real time unfriend.

The other was a victim and is having extreme difficulty morphing into a survivor because she is stuck in her own viscous quagmire of toxicity. We never shared a harsh word. Something I posted,vlogged or blogged clearly triggered her. I may never know what that was and that is okay. Not my circus, not my monkies comes to mind...

My suggestion.. do not worry about it. Continue to tell your truth. Be your authentic self. Remember, we can not change anyone but ourselves and we can only influence the willing. If someone is not ready to change then information that applies to them will either fall on deaf ears or offend them. If it offends them they are likely projecting and feeling that you have/are the problem as they are unwilling to take a harder look at themselves or the world around them at this time. These people may never be able to process the information that you provide and that is okay. Not everyone is going to become self-aware. Your work will enlighten the right people at the right time. Those who are content with the status quo and see no reason to change will see you as rocking their boat and they do not know how to swim.

Continue to be your authentic self and do not take other's reactions personally. They are rejecting themselves and their own truth. Not you and yours.

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