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Friday, May 6, 2016

There Will Be No Cognitive Dissonance...

By C. Meagan Michael
cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
I spent my life searching for the good in evil. As you can imagine it was an empty and painful quest. Evil masks itself as good to engage people like us. People who see the world through rose colored glasses. People who want to believe the best of everyone and often feel that they themselves can love someone enough to help them find it.

This simply is not the case.

Search for the real... It will stand alone. Showing itself for what it is, you will not find it masked as anything else. While you may not always like what you see, you will know in your soul that it is ... what is appears to be.

There will be no cognitive dissonance.

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