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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Do Empaths Vote For Trump?

I am suddenly wondering if any Empath in this country is planning on voting for Trump. I could not understand how anyone could vote for him before now. Now as I understand how different we are from the rest of society I see that ... they do not see.
I have no love for Hillary and I am not a politically motivated person. It's all a front. However, I look at the vast numbers of comments from Trump Supporters, people who are adamantly pro Trump and my stomach turns. I can't even watch him speak. He triggers me so completely. I see and feel the threat that he poses. So strongly that it is almost tangible.
Now I understand why. When you are an Empathic Healer you feel the intentions of others. You know what they really mean even when they don't. We read between the lines and ignore what is written on them. We know in our souls in a way that others do not. We know truth. We feel it.
Anyone who takes him at face value could think that he is what he boasts he is. Those of us who are awake and aware, who KNOW... we know who and what he truly is and that frightens us.
I believe Hillary will be the same kind of "leader" that we have always had. Controlled by big money in the background. He would be controlled only by his false ego. Narcissists rage when they are confronted with truth. They find power in bullying. They are haters of themselves but finger pointers to those around them, as they project their insecurities and self hatred onto you.

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