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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Gratitude In The Face Of Adversity - Take Back Your Power Now!

Maintain an attitude of gratitude even in the face of adversity. Calmness and peace of mind enable you to remain connected to source energy.
Toxic People expect you to be in fear. Scared people run. I am not running. When evil thinks you are alone and helpless they pounce on you thinking you have no defense.
When they know you have financial difficulties and assume that you could never afford an attorney they feel very powerful. It feeds their need for greed.
The Toxic Landlord in this complex blew me away the other day by handing me an unfair and undeserved eviction notice. She thinks I am alone, that I have no family who cares about me and that she can take advantage of me because of my past situation. Narcissist jump all over your misfortune. They prey on the weak and disabled. They are not fierce and brave like we are. They are pussies. Predators who prey on the weak like many animals in the wild will attack their own if they are injured.
This woman has fucked with the wrong tenant this time. It is time that we are former victims, stand up like the survivors and thrivers that we are and take back what is ours!
Our dignity and our lives...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Do Empaths Vote For Trump?

I am suddenly wondering if any Empath in this country is planning on voting for Trump. I could not understand how anyone could vote for him before now. Now as I understand how different we are from the rest of society I see that ... they do not see.
I have no love for Hillary and I am not a politically motivated person. It's all a front. However, I look at the vast numbers of comments from Trump Supporters, people who are adamantly pro Trump and my stomach turns. I can't even watch him speak. He triggers me so completely. I see and feel the threat that he poses. So strongly that it is almost tangible.
Now I understand why. When you are an Empathic Healer you feel the intentions of others. You know what they really mean even when they don't. We read between the lines and ignore what is written on them. We know in our souls in a way that others do not. We know truth. We feel it.
Anyone who takes him at face value could think that he is what he boasts he is. Those of us who are awake and aware, who KNOW... we know who and what he truly is and that frightens us.
I believe Hillary will be the same kind of "leader" that we have always had. Controlled by big money in the background. He would be controlled only by his false ego. Narcissists rage when they are confronted with truth. They find power in bullying. They are haters of themselves but finger pointers to those around them, as they project their insecurities and self hatred onto you.

Do Narcissists Feel? Sue's Journey Comment / My Reply

Sue's Journey:
The puppies.. Yay. You fixed your computer.. Yay. Where do I begin? So much in this video. It all makes sense. Recently I found myself getting really angry with someone I love. A friend said: that anger could be that you sense there is a lie being told. That got my stirred up. This person wasn't overtly lying.. I could tell. But, there WAS a lie I was feeling. Something didn't fit. I needed to figure it out. I did. The lie was one this person was telling themselves.. A wound. And I sensed that. It made me angry. I see through body language.. That "thing" you talked about. I believe that my narc abusers could see in my body language too. Yes, Narcs are masters at watching and sizing us up. I believe that. And just like, I couldn't hide my body language from them, they couldn't either. They KNEW that my words were saying one thing but my body language was revealing the truth. The truth is: they despised me. I saw it. But my truth is: I despised them too! :))

C. Meagan Michael:
Interesting revelations this morning, Sue. I had not thought of that angle. Everyone has unconscious body language. The feet are great tellers of truth. Someone could be looking at you nodding and "listening" but their feet are pointed toward the door. They want to leave the conversation. I TOTALLY know what you mean about someone lying to themselves and you picking up on it. All the time. It happens all the time. I think it's interesting because we all lie to ourselves in life. For better or worse. As we awaken spiritually our truths become apparent. As we accept our truth and grow we see that we are not so different from our abusers. We also project. We also live in a fantasy.. often the one they create. #SharedPsychosis #FutureFaking etc. Not to mention we lie to ourselves #CognitiveDissonance to make it okay for us to remain with them. We make (I know you know this) excuses for their bad behavior because it would be intolerable to believe that we are purposely staying with someone who, as you said, despises us! In fact I was even thinking this morning, how at the end I started exaggerating my past a bit (with my ex predator... just minor things that made me seem stronger, more capable, more accomplished because I felt SO low...) I was of course desperately seeking validation from my invalidator. Surely a sign that it was time to move on. Can they tell that we despise them? I think at the end when we truly do that would be hard to miss. Though much of the relationship we are not feeling that way. We have lied to ourselves enough and live in the rose colored world that we created in our mind. We are not really in love with them. We are in love with the fantasy that we created. When the veil is lifted and reality sets in... it is mind blowing and shocking to learn that we have in fact duped ourselves for so long. Bottom line is that they believe we hate them all along. They believe (mistakenly) that we are plotting against them, because they can not fathom that we care about them. As we know they hate themselves. We do not "deserve" respect in their eyes because we "love" "admire" and "adore" the person they hate the most... themselves. In conclusion :), I wonder if they see our body language and understand it, if they are merely projecting all along and always assume that we loath them the way they do us, or both. Your thoughts?

Here is the link to the video we are discussing:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Narcissistic Mother's Piano Student/Childhood Friend Appears!

How It All Begins... Manipulative Manipulators Have "Manipulationships!"

by C. Meagan Michael

Manipulators do not have relationships. They have "manipulationships." They target Empaths/Highly Sensitive People. People who, like us, would run to the ends of the earth to save someone's life and/or resolve their issue whatever it is. They see this in us.

They are excellent at reading people. In the beginning they love bomb us. It is more than just putting on ones "best face" they monopolize our time, thoughts, resources. The buy us lavish gifts (all things being relative) they lavish us with flattery and praise.

They are intently listening to everything we tell them about ourselves, our lives and our past. They seem to validate us. We tell them more and more. What we do is hand them over our self worth. We don't realize it at the time. Little by little they start to do what Begood4000 has termed "The Doo Doo Test" They throw in little digs or put downs. They do this to see how and if we respond.

Our gut says, "OUCH that's not right!" our minds make say, "what did I do wrong?" We clearly think we did something to make this person who "adores", values and worships us say something cruel like that. Something that undermines our confidence. We sweep it under the rug. By this time we are in love and enmeshed.

If we weren't we'd have packed up and hauled tail as soon as this happened. People with healthy self esteem/self love would feel smothered by the amount of overt attention these people pay to us in the beginning. People who are more secure would not fall prey to empty flattery. Though Toxic People sometimes do a good job of making flattery sound like a genuine compliment.

While I do believe that anyone can be a potential victim, I believe those of us suffering from Childhood Neglect and Childhood Trauma are far more susceptible and until we become awake and aware... easy targets.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Help Me Reach 200 Subscribers On My Youtube Channel To Celebrate 2 YEARS Free From Narcissistic Abuse! #NoContact

My friends, mi amigas y amigos, meine Freunde, if you have not subscribed to my channel subscribe now! This week it is my anniversary! 2 YEARS having broken free from my narcissistic ex-predator and all the toxic people in my former life. My @Youtube channel currently has 196 Subscribers and 18187 views! My goal is to have 200 subscribers to represent the 2 years I have been free! Will you help me reach this goal? Help me celebrate being free from abuse for 2 years by subscribing to my youtube channel. Show your support to survivors everywhere. Help us to thrive!
Thank you to all my wonderful friends/subscribers who have helped my channel grow and grow so that I now reach thousands of people world wide. I love you all so much!


If You Don't Address It, Then You Will Repress It! #MusicalInterlude