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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Why Oh Why Are We Narcissistic Supply - Financial Abuse Unmasked

By C. Meagan Michael

Beware of financial abuse. Abusers use control to keep us chained to them and enslaved. Almost always financial abuse is used to control us. Some ways that Narcissists and Sociopaths control us financially are by convincing us to give them money. We buy them things in order to try and please the unpleasable. We are trained to ignore our own wants and needs. Instead of self-care we focus all of our care and love externally on someone who only take and never gives.

Based on our childhood programming it is easy to understand why we would continuously fall into the same patterns where we will even give our last anything to please our abuser.
We project our values, morals, and ethics onto the person who love bombed us in the beginning and while mirroring us made us believe we were just alike. Two peas in a pod. We then project our own morals and ethics on them mistakenly. We believe that if we care for them they will care of us as well.

So we give and give and allow them to take and take all the while waiting for the impossible. They will never give back. They will never put you first. In fact, the hard truth is you will never matter as a human being or a soul with individual needs.

You are used. You are narcissistic supply. Your humiliation, hurt, pain, shame, and guilt which is THEIR projection on to you. (their own feelings about themselves) There is nothing you can give them or do for them or allow them to do TO you that will ever help, save or change them. The "good heart" buried deep within does not exist.

Stop fooling yourself into believing things will be different if only...


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