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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Strong Women Make Toxic People Uncomfortable - Happily Upsetting The Applecart

By C. Meagan Michael

 Most of us grew up as people pleasers to narcissistic parents or other Family Of Origin #FOO We often are extremely empathic #INFJ #INFP and in tune with others emotions and do everything we can NOT to upset the apple cart. We do not want others to be upset at all let alone from something we said or did. 

When we set boundaries and assert our personal power, this upsets the apple cart. I have been upsetting the apple cart regularly for a few years now. While I would not purposely upset people I put my own self-care first. If that upsets someone that is not my circus and those are not my monkeys. Does it still bother me inside to know I have upset someone? Yes. Will I continue to grow as a healthy boundaried person and do what is best for me. Yes, most assuredly. 

That will mean upsetting many people throughout my life. People who want to control me and glean narc supply from me. I will never allow it to happen again and I may even smile inside knowing that my good health makes toxic people uncomfortable.

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