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Sunday, June 5, 2016

I HATE The Month Of June - The Greatest Loss-es

by C. Meagan Michael

I write with tears in my eyes today. Muhammad Ali died yesterday. Really? Why God? Why did you have to take the two humans I respected and admired most in my life.... in June?

My father was born on 12/6 and died on 6/12. My dad was the greatest... Then you took the "Greatest" yesterday? Muhammad Ali? Why?

I met him years ago. He already was ill but very few knew. He was at a card show signing autographs. I was blessed to be working for a friend of mine. So, I stood in line and when it was my turn I said, "May I take a picture with you?" His manager said, 'NO'. The Greatest said, "Yes" and he motioned for me to come up on stage and sit next to him...

I handed my little camera to a stranger whom I always be grateful to. She took our picture.

I was seated right next to Muhammad Ali... one of my all time heros in life... The stranger took our pic. I kissed him on his cheek after. He slowly put his hand to his cheek and gave a look of surprise. We all laughed. I was so grateful.

As grateful as I was that the photo of he and I was developed and though poor quality because it was a disposable camera... it is clear that it was I.. sitting next to my hero.

My hero who passed away yesterday.

R.I.P. Muhammad Ali...

I believe you are up in Heaven chatting with my dad who passed on June 12/89.

Thank you

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