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Thursday, June 23, 2016

July 22, 2016 Facebook Post About - The Narcissist Next door!

This happened yesterday: True story...


"Friend"; "I am going to buy a house with a pool! Well really a mobile home but with an above ground pool."

Me: I knew you were thinking of moving. I will miss you.

"Friend"; Yes I am. I told my bf that you are going to move in with me.

my brain: (huh?)

Friend: "Now I have certain RULES!! - ( huh? x2)"

(Listening to the rules was actually listening to... i do this and that and that is how it is. You cant do this or that or complain about my cluttered kitchen that is not used for cooking or my laundry that stays in the machine for days...." ) ie I am not perfect but you have to be whilst not complaining about my "imperfections")

"Friend"; "Do NOT tell my bf you are gay!! ( word said with utter digest and ignorance."} (coming from a straight woman who tries to flirt her ass off with me all the time.)

Me:"It's none of his business." ( lost in confusion and wanting the convo to stop but it'd just begun"

Friend: "You will have your "OWN ROOM!" ( holy shit...a whole room! - de ja fucken vu)) I will only charge you.....$$$.00 plus 1/2 all utilities ( no wifi because she doesnt know how to use a computer )

Me: I pay that now and I have a full 2/2 apt. I also have cats and you are
deathly allergic I thought.

Friend: "Oh your one cat likes me. Shes fine.

My brain: (really... and now your now allegic because a cat likes you. What about my son Chevy?) ( and how long will it take you to "force me to get "rid" of my cats because you think you have me by the balls? ) ( BEEN THERE DONE THAT )

My Mouth said: "Chevy is a good boy too. He is not around anyone but me usually. You have to get to know him: ( dear lord I realized the old pattern of what I was doing.... I stopped)

I said, "I will miss you when you move. i never thought of coming with you. What do you mean all the neighbors know I am gay. (The ones I told or the ones YOU told)

Friend: Also I dont want ANYONE to know WE smoke anything.

ME; ( WE dont... ) I said I dont tell anyone what you do. I dont want anyone to know if I do or don't.

Friend: well "sally" knows WE do but she loves to smokes too.

(Huh? x10)

(I dont love it. nuff said)
(I am hearing what is none of my business just like "sally" heard about me...I am more nauseous) gossip covered in bull shit is just dirty smelly gossip.

Me: "I said what town? We are staying in this town right?"( I LOVE IT HERE and she knows that )

Friend: NO! The water charges are too high ( in the most inexpensive and beautiful place I have ever lived) our town.

Me: I only pay 53 monthly. That is fine.

Friend: "I am DOING YOU A FAVOR to HELP YOU. I TOLD "BOB" ( pseudonym her bf) but I still have to talk it over with my shrink."

What about ME? You'd think I WOULD be the most important person to talk to. I suppose when someone feels superior to you... like a pet?

This is a woman who soetimes heard but never listened to a thing I said about my life dreams goals... or rather that is boring because we are not talking about her. ( she simply does not give a damn or both)

Me; ( for the sake of seeing the areas and checking out places because I enjoy it) "Lets start looking and then we will get to know eachother and see if we even like the same things" "Id rather have you as a friend forever from a distance than an enemy in a month" (betcha I rarely if ever hear from her again once she moves away) I cant baby sit her dog or clean her carpet ( holy shit she thinks I am the nanny/maid???)

"Friend"- NO!! I wont look now. The market is not "good until the end of summer" ( what does that have to do with what I was talking about) (plus what hogwash is that?)

ME:" my lease needs to be renewed in Oct.

Friend: ( in one ear and out the other )

Me- " I am going to take a shower. " (gee, I used her water. I wonder if she will send me the bill ) ~sarcasm


Why do I still attract and "befriend" narcissists and users. I am damaged still but not stupid nor desperate. I would live in a shelter ( just an example.) before I would ever move in with a controlling narcissist again in my life.

I must tell you being there is NOTHING more than a platonic one sided friendship it is easy to see how insincere and nauseating such a "great" offer is <g>

I can't believe she thinks I would rather pay as much as I do here with my pool, gym, privacy, nice big apartment all my own with my furry kids but rent "YOUR OWN ROOM" and live "in the closet". I love it in this town and have no intention of leaving my complex unless God wants me to.

Un freaken real. Really unreal.

I wont miss her as much as I thought.

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