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Thursday, June 23, 2016

July 22, 2016 Facebook Post About - The Narcissist Next door!

This happened yesterday: True story...


"Friend"; "I am going to buy a house with a pool! Well really a mobile home but with an above ground pool."

Me: I knew you were thinking of moving. I will miss you.

"Friend"; Yes I am. I told my bf that you are going to move in with me.

my brain: (huh?)

Friend: "Now I have certain RULES!! - ( huh? x2)"

(Listening to the rules was actually listening to... i do this and that and that is how it is. You cant do this or that or complain about my cluttered kitchen that is not used for cooking or my laundry that stays in the machine for days...." ) ie I am not perfect but you have to be whilst not complaining about my "imperfections")

"Friend"; "Do NOT tell my bf you are gay!! ( word said with utter digest and ignorance."} (coming from a straight woman who tries to flirt her ass off with me all the time.)

Me:"It's none of his business." ( lost in confusion and wanting the convo to stop but it'd just begun"

Friend: "You will have your "OWN ROOM!" ( holy shit...a whole room! - de ja fucken vu)) I will only charge you.....$$$.00 plus 1/2 all utilities ( no wifi because she doesnt know how to use a computer )

Me: I pay that now and I have a full 2/2 apt. I also have cats and you are
deathly allergic I thought.

Friend: "Oh your one cat likes me. Shes fine.

My brain: (really... and now your now allegic because a cat likes you. What about my son Chevy?) ( and how long will it take you to "force me to get "rid" of my cats because you think you have me by the balls? ) ( BEEN THERE DONE THAT )

My Mouth said: "Chevy is a good boy too. He is not around anyone but me usually. You have to get to know him: ( dear lord I realized the old pattern of what I was doing.... I stopped)

I said, "I will miss you when you move. i never thought of coming with you. What do you mean all the neighbors know I am gay. (The ones I told or the ones YOU told)

Friend: Also I dont want ANYONE to know WE smoke anything.

ME; ( WE dont... ) I said I dont tell anyone what you do. I dont want anyone to know if I do or don't.

Friend: well "sally" knows WE do but she loves to smokes too.

(Huh? x10)

(I dont love it. nuff said)
(I am hearing what is none of my business just like "sally" heard about me...I am more nauseous) gossip covered in bull shit is just dirty smelly gossip.

Me: "I said what town? We are staying in this town right?"( I LOVE IT HERE and she knows that )

Friend: NO! The water charges are too high ( in the most inexpensive and beautiful place I have ever lived) our town.

Me: I only pay 53 monthly. That is fine.

Friend: "I am DOING YOU A FAVOR to HELP YOU. I TOLD "BOB" ( pseudonym her bf) but I still have to talk it over with my shrink."

What about ME? You'd think I WOULD be the most important person to talk to. I suppose when someone feels superior to you... like a pet?

This is a woman who soetimes heard but never listened to a thing I said about my life dreams goals... or rather that is boring because we are not talking about her. ( she simply does not give a damn or both)

Me; ( for the sake of seeing the areas and checking out places because I enjoy it) "Lets start looking and then we will get to know eachother and see if we even like the same things" "Id rather have you as a friend forever from a distance than an enemy in a month" (betcha I rarely if ever hear from her again once she moves away) I cant baby sit her dog or clean her carpet ( holy shit she thinks I am the nanny/maid???)

"Friend"- NO!! I wont look now. The market is not "good until the end of summer" ( what does that have to do with what I was talking about) (plus what hogwash is that?)

ME:" my lease needs to be renewed in Oct.

Friend: ( in one ear and out the other )

Me- " I am going to take a shower. " (gee, I used her water. I wonder if she will send me the bill ) ~sarcasm


Why do I still attract and "befriend" narcissists and users. I am damaged still but not stupid nor desperate. I would live in a shelter ( just an example.) before I would ever move in with a controlling narcissist again in my life.

I must tell you being there is NOTHING more than a platonic one sided friendship it is easy to see how insincere and nauseating such a "great" offer is <g>

I can't believe she thinks I would rather pay as much as I do here with my pool, gym, privacy, nice big apartment all my own with my furry kids but rent "YOUR OWN ROOM" and live "in the closet". I love it in this town and have no intention of leaving my complex unless God wants me to.

Un freaken real. Really unreal.

I wont miss her as much as I thought.

Narcissistic Mother Calls On Father's Day - The Mask That Hides The Evil

Thoughts On My Latest Video - Karma Is Real / Narcissists Get What They Deserve

By C. Meagan Michael

Thoughts on my latest video #KarmaIsReal:

I thought people would find this interesting. So many people are ANGRY from their very core. They obsess about revenge, destruction, murder and who knows what else when they are used, abused and discarded like trash after trusting someone with every inch of their mortal life, soul and spirit. Who wouldn't be angry!?@ Forgiveness is surely the key and moving on without giving them the benefit of any residual emotion is essential for our health, happiness and spiritual growth. I believe that most of us with open eyes have similar stories to share. Hopefully, mine (I have a bit more to share at another time) will diffuse some of the rage and anger. Releasing this rage and resentment helps victims become survivors and then... Thrivers! #Peace #UnicornOut

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Narcissistic Mother Triangulates Father/Daughter - Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Dad! No Matter How Far You Are Near...

By C. Meagan Michael

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful awesome dad! While you are missed deeply in the physical world I know that you have ascended. I feel you now closer than ever. Thank you for being the strong role model that you were. I admired you in life. I admire you still. You are my hero. It brings me such joy to remember you in this positive light. Never again will I mourn your "loss." Being your daughter I have clearly won.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Will Other Victims Through You Under Their Narcissists Bus?

Death Is Not The End But The Continuation - Happy Father's Day

I love my dad. He has been gone for many years now but recently I feel closer to him than ever.

I know in my soul that we do not turn to dust and cease to exist. When this incarnation is over, regardless of how it ended, our soul/spirit continues on with it's journey.

We are all part of a greater consciousness. We are all part of the universe. We can tap into the Akashic Records and find all knowledge. We can also tap into the energy of our loved ones that we miss.

Healing is all part of our journey in this life. Education and wisdom is all part of this journey. We choose our parents, and situation before we are ever born into these bodies. When we deal with issues in this life that horrify and traumatize us we need to realize that we are not helpless victims of the universe. We have chosen this life to learn.

The greatest storms, create the most turbulent times. These experiences are what shakes us up and causes us to think and process. It is all a growth experience and the bottom line is the greatest storms promote the greatest growth.

So, next time you are sitting there wondering, "why me?" Truly ponder the question and ask your higher self for the answer. Once you learn the lesson you will not be destined to repeat it.

Have a wonderful weekend. My love to everyone here there and everywhere.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Death Is Hardest On The Living - Live While You Are Alive

By C. Meagan Michael

Death is hardest on the living. We have to be mindful now of self-care. Those who have ascended are at peace. Our lives must go on. Our paths in this life are unique to us . Each of us has an important role to play. The world needs us now to be our personal best. Our authentic selves. To make our contributions to the greater good.
Life is for the living. Enjoy it while you are here.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Narcissists Insert Themselves Into The Tragedy Of Others - Victims By P...

Reaction To Orlando Mass Shooting At Pulse - Empaths MUST Use Self-Care ...

By C. Meagan Michael

While my heart goes out to the victims, survivors and loved ones involved in the Orlando tragedy, we MUST continue to take care of ourselves. We can not allow ourselves to be triggered and set back because something terrible happens in the world. Terrible things will happen regardless of our mental state. Rebuke survivors guilt. Death is hardest on the living. Those who have ascended are now at peace. There is no bigotry and prejudice where they are now.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Why Oh Why Are We Narcissistic Supply - Financial Abuse Unmasked

By C. Meagan Michael

Beware of financial abuse. Abusers use control to keep us chained to them and enslaved. Almost always financial abuse is used to control us. Some ways that Narcissists and Sociopaths control us financially are by convincing us to give them money. We buy them things in order to try and please the unpleasable. We are trained to ignore our own wants and needs. Instead of self-care we focus all of our care and love externally on someone who only take and never gives.

Based on our childhood programming it is easy to understand why we would continuously fall into the same patterns where we will even give our last anything to please our abuser.
We project our values, morals, and ethics onto the person who love bombed us in the beginning and while mirroring us made us believe we were just alike. Two peas in a pod. We then project our own morals and ethics on them mistakenly. We believe that if we care for them they will care of us as well.

So we give and give and allow them to take and take all the while waiting for the impossible. They will never give back. They will never put you first. In fact, the hard truth is you will never matter as a human being or a soul with individual needs.

You are used. You are narcissistic supply. Your humiliation, hurt, pain, shame, and guilt which is THEIR projection on to you. (their own feelings about themselves) There is nothing you can give them or do for them or allow them to do TO you that will ever help, save or change them. The "good heart" buried deep within does not exist.

Stop fooling yourself into believing things will be different if only...


Why Oh Why Are We Narcissistic Supply! - Reaction To My Blog Post On Fin...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Strong Women Make Toxic People Uncomfortable - Happily Upsetting The Applecart

By C. Meagan Michael

 Most of us grew up as people pleasers to narcissistic parents or other Family Of Origin #FOO We often are extremely empathic #INFJ #INFP and in tune with others emotions and do everything we can NOT to upset the apple cart. We do not want others to be upset at all let alone from something we said or did. 

When we set boundaries and assert our personal power, this upsets the apple cart. I have been upsetting the apple cart regularly for a few years now. While I would not purposely upset people I put my own self-care first. If that upsets someone that is not my circus and those are not my monkeys. Does it still bother me inside to know I have upset someone? Yes. Will I continue to grow as a healthy boundaried person and do what is best for me. Yes, most assuredly. 

That will mean upsetting many people throughout my life. People who want to control me and glean narc supply from me. I will never allow it to happen again and I may even smile inside knowing that my good health makes toxic people uncomfortable.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

I HATE The Month Of June - The Greatest Loss-es

by C. Meagan Michael

I write with tears in my eyes today. Muhammad Ali died yesterday. Really? Why God? Why did you have to take the two humans I respected and admired most in my life.... in June?

My father was born on 12/6 and died on 6/12. My dad was the greatest... Then you took the "Greatest" yesterday? Muhammad Ali? Why?

I met him years ago. He already was ill but very few knew. He was at a card show signing autographs. I was blessed to be working for a friend of mine. So, I stood in line and when it was my turn I said, "May I take a picture with you?" His manager said, 'NO'. The Greatest said, "Yes" and he motioned for me to come up on stage and sit next to him...

I handed my little camera to a stranger whom I always be grateful to. She took our picture.

I was seated right next to Muhammad Ali... one of my all time heros in life... The stranger took our pic. I kissed him on his cheek after. He slowly put his hand to his cheek and gave a look of surprise. We all laughed. I was so grateful.

As grateful as I was that the photo of he and I was developed and though poor quality because it was a disposable camera... it is clear that it was I.. sitting next to my hero.

My hero who passed away yesterday.

R.I.P. Muhammad Ali...

I believe you are up in Heaven chatting with my dad who passed on June 12/89.

Thank you

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sometimes Narcissists Die - No Contact No Regrets - RIP Bobby Old Friend

Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day - June 1st 2016 #IfMyWoundsWereVisible

By C. Meagan Michael


You would stop calling me by my birth name. That person does not live here anymore.
You would not recognize me as the person I used to be.
I would look like I was mauled to death by a pack of wolves.
You would see the scars where the wounds used to be.
You would see the damage to my soul.