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Friday, November 11, 2016

America Is A Survivor Too!

I have been so anxious and stressed wondering what we could have done, what I could have done... to have obtained a different outcome regarding this election.
He mentioned that Trump would have said it was Rigged and that there would likely have been (I am paraphrasing) chaos and protesting just like there is now. Trump was preparing his followers for this.
In fact, there would likely have been MORE violence if those people had been the ones to lose and feel much like we do now. All in all, I think it worked out the way it was supposed to.
Think about this, my friend...
We create our own reality. We are ALL connected to a Universal Consciousness. Separation is just an illusion. Those who thrive on "us and them" really do not know that we are all one.
Those of us who have dealt with abuse, loss, suffering and other major challenges in our lives know that the greatest storms create the biggest changes. Those changes promote the greatest growth. We come out the other side of the storm as a greater version of ourselves. We can never go back nor would we ever want to.
America is going through a major storm. It will get worse before it gets better. It WILL get better though. The future generations will benefit from our suffering. The changes we make now will change America forever. Let us be our best when things are at their worst. Let us stand together and stand up for what we believe in even if we are standing alone.
We are at the ground floor of creating a new and improved America. How can we fight FOR diversity and acceptance when we are doing just the opposite by fighting AGAINST each other?
Remember, we do create our own reality with our thoughts, words and actions. Be sure these are all in alignment in order to create the change that you truly want.

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