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Sunday, April 3, 2016

You Did Your Best, He/She Was CRAZY! #PostMortem

by C. Meagan Michael

Hoovering is term commonly associated with Narcissistic Abuse. When the toxic person reaches out to you and pretends to be nice for a while in order to sucker you back in once again.

Once they see how much shit you will take and still allow them back into your life they know no bounds. They laugh on the inside as the plan your further deconstruction and eventual demise. You are merely a pawn in their game. The rules of which you are not now and never will be privy to.

People like my ex who wanted me dead by my own hand will go to any lengths in order to make sure you are dead in the end but not before torturing you and tormenting you in order to take your own life.

Then people will say to him/her, "She/he was crazy. You did your best. You spent enough time dealing with her/him and their problems. It's time to move on with your own life. You deserve it. You are such a good person..."

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