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Monday, January 18, 2016

You Crazy Bitch! NPD abuse by proxy - Psychiatric Abuse

You Crazy Bitch! 

By C. Meagan Michael

Monday, January 18, 2016
10:11 AM

Made to believe we are mentally ill or unstable, we are sent  to professionals who are not familiar with victims of abuse. They do not know how to treat it. So, they label us based on the symptoms we share and the knowledge they have.

Clinical Depression
Bi Polar Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder

Then we are referred to their colleagues. Psychiatrists who specialize in giving out medications in order to treat these disorders. A profession based on the lies that these medications have been proven effective in treating diseases that scientists can not prove exist.

We are stigmatized by society and by ourselves who are a part of the very society who stigmatize mental illness. Our Narcissistic Parents feed off of and nurture our "disabilities." We are often unable to hold a job due to symptoms from Maternal Abuse/Emotional Neglect, but we all believe it is due to our diagnosed mental illness, when in fact it is due to the un-diagnosed one.

We are sent, sometimes voluntarily and other times by force, to Psychiatric Hospitals. Where people who have 100% power over us manipulate and control us. They medicate us at will. The Hospital Psychiatrist, who is rarely our own doctor on the outside, is in ultimate control of the medications that numb our feelings and dull our minds. People who do not know us and are supposed to "fix us" based on the symptoms we are currently exhibiting.

It is extremely rare in a psychiatric hospital to receive any kind of worthwhile therapy. It's all about medicating and controlling us. Keeping us from harming ourselves or others for 3 days (generally all insurance will cover) and releasing us with absolutely no more coping skills then we went in with. Healing is never an option. We are told we are permanently damaged. There is no cure but take your meds and it will be controlled. The system is innately flawed.

Each Psychiatrist will agree with the previous doctors diagnosis yet almost always prescribe different medications to treat it. Telling them what works for us is usually irrelevant because you are the "crazy patient" and your opinion is disregarded completely. As if we could not possibly know our minds and bodies better than a complete stranger.

This feeds right into our lifetime of Trauma Drama. Our thoughts, feelings, opinions and emotions being disregarded and devalued since birth. We are made to believe every one else knows what's best for us. So we seek validation throughout our lives from everyone but ourselves. 

We have been raised and reinforced to believe that we are unworthy, unlovable, incompetent, insignificant, a burden, broken, less than able, different and utterly defective.

We look at those around us to our family of origin, to see who we take after. Our narcissistic parents surely does not take credit for our troubles. Nor does the enabling parent, as pointing fingers at the Narcissistic parent would cause them to be the target. We must take after a "crazy aunt" or other relative. Surely it has nothing to do with them. Only our good qualities come from them. The qualities they enjoy taking credit for. 

We are led to believe we are a conglomeration of disabilities and failures. Often according to the medical community we should be "grateful to have parents and partners who are willing to put up with us."

The medical community is used by them to abuse us by proxy. They often become the primary abusers later in life or secondary to an abusive partner.

 "A lifetime of disappointment for our over indulgent parent. Who tried their very best…"

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