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Monday, February 15, 2016

Weight Loss, Body Building & Self Love After Narcissistic Abuse - My Response

by C. Meagan Michael

This is my response to a lovely young man who is also recovering from abuse. He lost 60 pounds and goes to the gym everyday. He mentioned that it is hard and that he binged yesterday. 

I have been dealing with binge eating bouts and weight issues all of my life. It runs in my family. My toxic 1/2 brother has always been morbidly obese and that has always loomed over my head as "this could happen to you."

I used to think I could not until I binged my way to 200 lbs. ... twice. I promise to talk more about that in another blog about how I lost 70 lbs., twice. In the mean time, let me share with you my response to this wonderful YouTuber:

"They" say, anything worth having is doesn't come easy. I worked my butt off at the gym in my mid 30's. I went from a suicidal couch potato to a successful happy buff body builder in one year. 

I had personal trainers and the last one blew out my shoulder. It was frozen and in pain for several years. I thought my life would end because I could not work upper body, which was the most defined part of me and made me happy. 

My weight, moods, level of fitness have been up and down every since but I can honestly say I have never been happier in my life than I am right now. I am far from my ideal of physical "perfection" but I love myself. 

I never loved myself. I never thought I was fit enough, thin enough, educated enough, (fill in the blank) enough. I am enough. I am more than enough of everything I want and need to be and so are you.

God bless you for taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. Always take care of yourself and continue learning how and why to love yourself unconditionally. 

Stuff happens in life. Sometimes we are unable to maintain or even attain a level of fitness that we previously had. Do not worry. It is okay. When you love yourself unconditionally you will understand that it is not a certain weight, BMI, or size that makes you attractive to women. It is self love. You will exude natural confidence. 

People are attracted to that. You and I both fell for unnaturally confident narcissists. Healthy people will be attracted to us when we are attracted to us. Narcissists do not target people like that. People like the new us. 

Have a very blessed day. I hope you stop by and watch some of my videos too. I would love to continue this conversation.
It's very nice to meet you. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Have A Happy Valentines Day - Keeping It Real

by C. Meagan Michael

Many of us will be romanticizing our past relationships today. We need to remember how it really was and not how we wanted it to be or wished it had been.

Gaslighting ourselves leaves us vulnerable to Hoovering by our abusive exes. It also makes us vulnerable to other exploitative predators past and present.

Keep it real today friends.  I love and appreciate you all. <3

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dead Eyes - A Narcissistic Tell #Transparency

by C. Meagan Michael

Narcissists do not like candid photos. Some are in love with their image but need to be in complete control of the outcome. Clothing, lighting, background,  and hair are all used to portray the image of the false self that they want the world to see. 

Revealing their true self is never an option. Their masks to slip. Micro Expressions happen often but most people are unfamiliar with what to look for. Not to mention they happen so quickly it's easy to "Gaslight Ourselves" into believing we did not see what we saw.

Candid photos often find them unprepared. Whether the smile is false or non existent it's often not one they approve of.  Their true self leaks through and sometimes pours out. 

I call it "Dead Eyes". This person clearly hates you. You are oblivious at the time.All her photos were similar. When Narcissists are not putting on their public charm and fake face they show their true selves. They are 100% concerned about what other people think of them, regardless of what they say. 

Sometimes, as you can see in this photo. They are so confident that their Narcissistic Supply is duped that they don't even hide their contempt. They always believe themselves to be omnipotent and above the law. Sadly they are often right about their supply being completely out of touch as was in my case in the above pic. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Great Escape - How I Went No Contact / Narcissistic Abuse Survival Strategy

by C. Meagan Michael

I moved to a new location within my country about 1.5 years ago. I left behind my toxic ex, toxic mother, toxic friends and  toxic neighbors. I barely escaped with my life. I understand the desire to flee the country but this is not necessary for you to achieve peace of mind.

I always say, "Solitude is sanctuary for the mind" I prayed for direction and guidance, to find a place where I could afford to live on my own, never to have to rely in any way on anyone ever again. I will not give up my power.

 I moved to a place I had never been, I was not even sure geographically where it was until I was nearby. I knew no one. Let me repeat this: I did not know a soul. What I did was go on Craigslist and, after much research, I found a couple of places to rent in an affordable town. I chose one and I got a ride. (Facebook friend)

When I first moved, I attracted/was attracted to more toxic people. I began to recognize them more and more quickly and eliminate them from my life immediately. 

I committed to myself that I would not date ANYONE until I understood why I was attracting these people and how it all began. Within a few months, the memories and realizations began to surface. I realized my mother was my first narcissist and my journey to happy, healthy healing truly began. 

Had I stayed where I was and not left due to fear, I would be dead.
My ex's goal was to drive me to commit suicide.  I'd already tried and failed, in fact. The chances of my being where I am today, and being as strong as I am were unfathomable. Yet, I not only survive but I thrive. 

I made it and so can you!

NO DOGS ALLOWED! Pt.1 - My Narcissistic Mother Gave Away All Pets

No Dogs Allowed Part Two - Narcissistic Mothers Take Away What You Care ...