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Friday, March 30, 2018

What Does A Love Bombing Email Look Like? #RealExample

Yesterday was my birthday. My friend and I took the pups to the dog beach. It was a long and wonderful day.

I came home to relax and thank my Facebook Friends for their birthday wishes when lo and behold a handsome man with a young son in his profile pic is requesting my friendship. Women get these requests all the time but I had a cocktail and felt like a game of "How Many Red Flags Can I Pick Out in 20 Minutes) I feel very safe in my sanity and I have very strong boundaries. So I decided to play along. Could he be sincere?

Not a chance lol

I won't go over the chat here. I will do that in my next video. I will however tell you that when I ended the chat. He asked for my email address and phone number. We'd only been chatting for about 20-30 minutes. My phone number? Really?

So I gave him my public email address. BreakingFreeFromToxicPeople@gmail.com (Inside joke with self and curious as to what this email might say)

He did NOT let me down! This morning's email confirmed absolutely EVERYTHING that my gut told me. Are you sitting down?

Hello beautiful,  its really nice to meet you, i just want you to know here are a few things i wish to do with you at some point in this lifetime, If we do work out nicely together..... Be your best friend. Get caught with you in the rain....Dance with you in the rain. Stargaze on a clear night. Watch the sunset together. Spend all day with you doing nothing. Moonlight walks on the beach. Be more proud of you than I already am at this very moment.Go on a carriage ride through the park. Do a crossword together. Go to brunch. Have a disagreement (it could/will only make us stronger). Go for a twilight horseback ride. Watch a bad movie together. Spend the rest of my life with you. Have our picture taken together. Eat ice cream with you. Make love to you passionately. Go to a museum together. Talk to each other using only body language. Give you space when you need it. Accept you totally and completely - flaws and all (I already do). Discuss current events in a heated debate. Have you see the error of your ways from aforementioned heated debate and make mad, torrid love to you, in the midst of all that passion. Carve our names into a tree/table.Go for a walk at dusk together. Be one with you. Send you a singing telegram. Spend all night thinking of 101 sweet things to do for you. Hold you and gaze into your eyes and realize how much I love you...and tell you. Gently run my hand across your cheek and look into your eyes. Blindfold you and take you somewhere romantic.Spend my life making you happy. Spend my life making our family happy. Feel your heartbeat. Go roller/ice skating together. Give you a backrub just because.ALWAYS being honest with each other. Go hiking/camping together. Have our first fight, make up and feel a stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm - together. Marry you. Laugh at someone together. Share a plate of spaghetti. Give you a stuffed animal just because. Go on a fun family vacation and bring back the kind of memories movies are made of. Treat you like my Lancelot. Go on a road trip across America. Count thunder together during a thunderstorm. Envelop you in my soul. Cook your favorite meal/meals. Know you better than you know yourself. Go to a Renaissance Fair. Plant a tree in our yard together. Look over at you during an office/military/family party and have you know without me saying a word - that I love you. Be able to say "I love you" in 89 different ways - in 89 different countries. Hold you when you're at your saddest and comfort you when you need it the most. Be the one you come to for that comfort and holding. Wipe away the days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss.Grow old with you.
Love Always,

"The aforementioned ERROR OF MY WAYS?" - Did you catch that one?!

I am posting this for your perusal and going to shower. I will then turn on the camera and create a video as I go through this piece by piece. See how many red flags you can pick out and we can compare notes later :)

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